

I'm a 26 year old software developer, I started writing code when I was 12 year old, my first project was a cheat for a game written in C++ and I have been in love with programming ever since.
I know C++, C#, JavaScript, Lua and PHP.
Outside of coding, I’m into anime, music, video games

Currently Learning

I'm currently learning Zig for shit and giggles

Projects‧ (best ones imo)

  • PS3Lib
  • PS3Lib is a C# library that allows you to write cheats for the PS3

  • Vita manager
  • Vita Manager is an homebrew written in C for the PS Vita that allows you to do some rather complicated things with just the press of a button

  • Vita Volume
  • Vita-volume is an application to set your vita volume level without using the volume buttons (useful if they are broken)

  • XRPCLib
  • XRPCLib is a set of files written in C# to import in your projects to develop XBOX 360 RTE tools


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